Monday, 17 March 2014

Audience Feedback Questionnaire

 Audience Feedback Questionnaire
1.      Male  or  Female    (please circle)

2.      What age are you?

3.      Why would you buy/watch our product?

4.      If you would buy our product what is the maximum price you would pay?

£5 - £10,  £11 - £15,  £16+,  other (Please circle)

5.      Did you enjoy our music video?  Yes/No

6.      Do you think the music video was appropriate for the hip hop genre and why?

7.      What age rating would you give our music video? (please circle) 12 or below,  15,  18   please explain your answer

8.      Is hip – hop your preferred music genre?    Yes/No

9.      If not, what is your preferred music genre?

10.  If you were filming it, what would you change in our music video?

11.  What item of clothing in the video links best to the hip – hop genre?

12.  Do you think the advertisement of our digipak (album) was effective enough for you to want to purchase it?

Please explain your answer below

13.  Do you think anything should be added to the digipak (album) cover that we haven’t included? If yes why?     (Explain below)

14.  Do you think the poster had enough information on it regarding the digipak (album)?

15.  How well did you understand the storyline of our music video?

16.  Do you think the storyline was appropriate for the Hip-Hop genre?

If yes why?

17.     Do you think the setting in the music video is appropriate for the Hip-Hop genre?

   If yes why?