Friday, 14 February 2014

Target Audience

Target Audience
The target audience for our music video are young adults, mostly people over the age of 18 because of the nature of the video and the storyline behind it which is the kidnapping and the aggression betrayed in the music video. People who listen to R&B/hip hop music listen to radio and TV stations such as MTV BASE, Radio1 Extra and Kiss. These stations play a lot of R&B and hip hop songs so this is why they are listened to by teenagers and young adults. They buy clothes from stores such as Nike, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Prada and Giorgio Armani. They wear stylish and high fashion clothes and so would like to see these type of clothes worn of the model on the front cover of the magazine. the suitable age group for hip hop music is 16-25 years old this is mostly because the genre shows a ideal lifestyle and easy money therefore the teenagers get inspired by this and want to be like that when they grow up. Also the genre gets a lot of TV coverage and its the  biggest and one of the popular genres out there this also links with the teenagers as they watch a lot of TV at this age and will more likely to see the music and start to enjoy it as its a fast pace rebellious type of music that will inspire the young by all the benefits that it brings with it such as money and power and those factors attracted the young. The age group we have chosen to aim our products at are young adults which means that the images will be important and making sure that we have more pictures than writing as at these ages teenagers tend to decide on what magazine to buy by the images shown on the front page.
Today I have looked at the target audience for our music video and have explained why I have chosen the specific target audience, this will help me while creating the music video as I have to make it suitable for the viewers. The target audience research is very important as it will show us who we are looking to aim our product at using this we will make sure every content is suitable and appropriate for those who we aim it at.

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